Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague for?
The adventure is designed for both adults and children to play together and we recommend you do so in groups of 2 or more. The work is aimed at children aged 7 to 12.

Do we need to do to undertake the adventure at a specific time?
No, once you’ve received Squishy’s sleuthing scrapbook in the post you will be able to undertake the adventure whenever you like! Just follow the instructions provided and get started.

How long will the adventure take us?
The adventure should take you approximately an hour to finish.

How do I buy Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague?
Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague is available exclusively from The Inhabitors here.

Do I need to have read the Squishy Taylor books?
No, but Ailsa Wild’s stories are a delight and we highly recommend them! We sell some of the books in our online store or purchase the Super Sleuth or Adventure + Book packs which include Ailsa Wild’s Squishy Taylor books.

Why are there a range of prices? Are the adventures different?
No, all the adventures are the same regardless of price. The Inhabitors recognise that budgets for entertainment vary, so please select the price option that works best for you.

Do I need to buy a copy for each person who will participate?
No, you only need one copy of Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague to undertake the adventure as a group.

Is Postage & Packing included?
Yes, all of the prices include free postage and packing.

How long will it take for Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague to be delivered?

The Inhabitors use AusPost’s Parcel Post service for our deliveries. Please allow at least 7 days for delivery. Information on AusPost’s current delivery estimates can also be found on their website: https://auspost.com.au/service-updates/domestic-delivery-times

I am buying Squishy Taylor and the City-Wide Ghost Plague as a gift, can include a gift message?
Yes, as you complete your purchase use the Additional Information questions to mark the purchase as a gift, add the recipient’s name and provide a gift message.

What will we need to undertake the adventure?
You’ll need to have a few things on hand. A pen, scissors, tape and a phone. Make sure you can get onto the internet.

What happens if we get stuck on any of the puzzles?
If you get stuck on puzzles, there are clues to help you. You can find these in the back of Squishy’s scrapbook.

Who can I contact with any questions, queries or feedback?
Please email hello@inhabitors.com

Ready to start sleuthing?